Abby Goldberg, Grayslake, Illinois
Never underestimate the power of a citizen activist. Even one as young as Abby Goldberg of Grayslake, Illinois. Earlier this year, when she was only 12 [she's now 13], the middle school environmentalist decided she was tired of having plastic bags from the local landfill blow across her family's lawn. She became concerned when she read about the Texas-sized island of discarded plastic floating in the ocean. She was upset to learn how plastic waste kills and maims sea animals. So she decided to take on an entire industry by starting a petition at to get plastic bags banned from her community.
Her main concern was an industry-backed [and environmentalist opposed] bill before the Illinois State Legislature that would have prevented communities throughout the state from banning bags or charging fees for their use. With 150,000 signatures to back her up, she made a plea to Governor Pat Quinn to not sign the bill.
On August 27, 2013, the governor called her with good news. The Tribune article is HERE.
Also, under the heading of -- "Really? They can do that?" -- a Japanese inventor has built a tabletop machine that can recycle plastic back into oil at home. Read about it HERE.
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